Hand Building 


A comprehensive program for creating 12 hand-built ceramics projects in the comfort of your own home.

The Hand Building Basics online course offers you a way to learn on your own, in a flipped classroom format with the benefits of instructor Q&A sessions and both instructor and peer feedback to keep you motivated the whole way through. 

Whether You're

  • a Beginner

    who's never had the opportunity to try your hand at clay, who knows that learning with a "hands-on" approach and support will get you in your groove faster than watching endless YouTube videos...

  • a Hand Builder

    who needs some fun projects with deadlines and instructor and peer support to build motivation and get your mojo back so you can find your groove again...

  • a Wheel Thrower

    with the heart of a hand builder looking to explore and incorporate alternative approaches, who wants to connect with and bounce ideas off your peers so your work can stand out in a crowd...

...you’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how Hand Building Basics will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to creating with clay in your home.

Fall Session 2022: October 4 - November 29

Modules 1-6 Release on Wednesdays starting October 5th, 2022 3 Live Sessions starting Tuesday, October 4th at 7pm EST


Jacquie Blondin

Jacquie Blondin


Jacquie Blondin is a Canadian artist and educator specializing in the art and craft of ceramics. With over 30 years of experience in education, she transitioned from teaching secondary school visual arts to teaching adults and youth in local and online communities. Her work is currently available online and the Gardiner Museum Shop Gallery in Toronto. Jacquie Blondin lives and works in Mississauga, ON.

By the end of this program, you will have: 

  • Discovered why getting your hands in your clay on a regular basis improves your mental health, builds stamina and hope.
  • Developed a quick set up and tear down for your temporary studio space and/or added studio efficiencies to your studio space while learning what to do with the clay at all stages.
  • Discovered your ideal learning Pathway: Set or Free Choice Pathway. 
  • Learned 6 different sculptural and ceramic techniques.
  • Previewed all 12 different projects in time-lapse videos. 
  • Reinforced your learning with step-by-step PDF instructions including Play & Pause Videos for each project.  
  • Used the Creative Process for each project.
  • Learned to draw from references and apply them to three dimensions.
  • Repeated the mantra “practice makes better” through repeating processes to build muscle memory so you can rely on your new technical skills in the future.
  • Learned to verbally articulate your taste for visual aesthetics.  
  • Given and received feedback on your own and others’ work. 
  • Made some friends.

Module 1 Drops October 5th, 2022

Join now to get immediate access to the Welcome Module with tons of helpful pointers on how to get ready!

Course Delivery: 

  • Welcome Module (with lots of goodies) is available immediately upon registration. 
  • 6 Training Modules (Weeks 1-3 & 5-7).
  • More than 18 lessons (at least 3 per module).
  • PDF Instructions and Templates.
  • Play & Pause Videos for each project.
  • 6 Live Q&A Sessions over Zoom (Tuesdays at 7 pm EST).
  • Access to the recording of each Zoom session. 
  • 2 Implementation Weeks to catch-up in Weeks 4 & 8. 
  • 8 weeks of Q&A support in a Private Facebook Group.
  • Access to Accountability Partners/Pods.
  • Limited to 10 Participants.

One Time Price

Lifetime Access

Workshop and Class Testimonials

“Jacquie did a great job of explaining each step that was involved in the live virtual demonstration! The linoblock printing method on clay was entirely new to me. The online delivery was helpful for someone like myself who was not familiar with the printmaking process and the recording and accompanying PDF Instructions helped me understand what was required to achieve the best results. ”


“Jacquie is very friendly and welcoming, and very helpful in teaching different techniques and answering questions. She is a great instructor to get started with and she is helpful in making you feel comfortable while asking lots of questions! Jacquie asked what everyone would like to learn the most and wheel throwing was the answer from everyone. I wished we had more time to get into hand-building with clay. This was a great class, and Jacquie was a great instructor.”


“I have been fascinated with clay and have been following Jacquie’s work for a long time. This was my first opportunity to get my hands into clay. I had signed up for the online Conquer Stress with Clay’ workshop with Jacquie. Despite it being online, never once did I feel that I fell short of guidance and direction. Jacquie took us along effortlessly as she went about teaching the techniques, encouraging us along the way, applauding each effort. The workshop lived up to its name! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am already looking out for her next one. ”


Enrol in Hand Building Ceramics at Home Today

(Limited to 10 Students)

Alumni & Workshop Testimonials

“I loved my experience in Jacquie Blondin's art class because she is an encouraging instructor, who also helps you improve. She has an eye for detail and helps you see both strengths and areas for improvement in your work, so you can create better work. Loridee De Villa BSC Candidate, Artist, and Author of “How to Be the Best Third Wheel” Former Student & Alumni ”

Loridee De Villa

“Over 4 years, I truly felt supported and encouraged by the art department. I always felt like the teachers were always “in” on whatever I was creating, whether I was taking their class or participating in their clubs. Jacquie Blondin was a strong leader in the Arts department and overall creative culture at St. Joes. I always felt safe and inspired to push myself conceptually. Pearce Cacalda Founder and Executive Creative Director, About Studio & Founder, Reiki Master and Spiritual Guide, subtle Ground Former Student & Alumni ”

Pearce Cacalda

“Jacquie is positively enthusiastic about the craft and teaching her students! As a student, I felt excited and intrigued to learn so many new mediums and techniques while being well equipped with the support I needed from her to create engaging art. Also, near the end of my high school years, I needed to create work for my portfolio for art school. Jacquie was very supportive in finding ways to incorporate assignments that would fit my portfolio requirements. Noelle Anne Navarrete Illustrator Former Student & Alumni”

Noelle Anne Navarrete

“Such a great session today. Not only did Jacquie provide the clay for most of the participants, she's offered to fire them for us so that we can keep them forever. She’s such a generous soul and this is hopefully the beginning of many more sessions she will do. A natural teacher having more than 30 years experience, it’s a no brainer. We were having so much fun we ended up staying all together working on this project for just over two hours and yes there was a lot of chatting happening! ”

Christine Dore-Scaini

Lifetime Access

Not 30 days! Not 6 months! Lifetime!

When you enrol during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:

Hand Building Ceramics at Home

($600 Value)

  • 6 Implementation Modules - Showing literally EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your clay into 12 personal masterpieces.
  • Ceramics Supplies Lists for Beginners and Beyond Beginners.
  • A comprehensive guide to Studio Set up and Studio Safety including Waste Management - including Damp boxes and Drywall Board Prep - so you can start smart, work smart and stay safe!
  • A set of Glossaries for the Elements and Principles of Design.
  • A complete set of 4 Studio Posters for the Design Concepts both Elements and Principles & The Creative Process and The Ceramics Process.  
  • A comprehensive plan for drying work prior to bisque firing. It's harder than you'd think.
  • You’ll be given access to one module per week so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute the first project or both BEFORE moving on to the next. 
  • The weekly release is to protect your time, attention, and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that can stop some beginners in their tracks. 
  • If one project a week is perfect for you, you'll take the Beginner Pathway. You can always come back to complete the other pathway later. 


Lessons include instructional PDFs, templates, time lapse and real time videos so you can play and pause as needed.

  • 1 - Sculptural Modelling

  • 2 - Kurinuki

  • 3 - Pinch Pots

  • 4 - Calming Coils

  • 5 - Textural Slabs

  • 6 - Crafting Combos


  • Accountability Pods


    Accountability Pods allow you to buddy up with 1 to 4 classmates and commit to helping each other reach your goals. Great for accountability, motivation and feedback.

  • 8 Weeks Q&A access to Jacquie

    $100 value

    You'll have access to ongoing help through the private Hand Building Ceramics at Home Facebook Course Community for Members Only. You'll be able to connect with each other here too!

  • 6 Weeks of Live Q& A Zoom Sessions

    $300 value

    Zoom Sessions will be 1 hour each. Send in questions ahead of time or ask during the sessions. Recordings of the Zoom Sessions will be added to your dashboard the next day.

Even More Bonus Material

And more to come!

  • Elements & Principles of Design Glossaries and Posters

    $100 value

    The Glossaries give you understanding at a glance with terms broken down to key essentials. The Posters illustrate the dominant elements and Principles. The images will give you a quick visual boost when considering designs.

  • The Creative Process and Stages of Ceramics

    $50 value

    These two Posters will help you understand the steps of the Creative Process and the Stages of Ceramics with text and imagery for each step.

  • Studio Set Up and Waste Management PDFs

    $50 value

    These two PDFs will help you set up your portable studio and keep you safe while protecting the environment.


Plus You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

I've put my heart and soul into this course. I have interviewed potential students to see how I could meet their needs. Hand Building Ceramics at Home has been designed to give you the best learning experience you could have while working in your home with some new friends and me along for the journey. 

Our ceramics community is filled with life-long learners and grows with generous people. When you join, you will be part of the special group. 

Now here’s the kicker. 

By the end of these 14 days, you’ll have received access to the Welcome Module, as well as Module 1 and 2 including the 4 projects, meaning you’ll have had the opportunity to test drive your clay journey BEFORE making a final commitment. If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by your experience (and your ability to learn in this way) simply reach out, show me you’ve put in the work, and I'll refund your investment. 

Here's how: 

Take a photograph of your workspace with the reference images or sketches and your completed Beginner Project #1 for Module 1 and let me know where the program fell short for you, so I can be sure to make adjustments or clarify student understanding in the future.  


Burning Q’s your fellow Beginner and Beyond Beginner ceramic artists asked before grabbing their access:

  • I’m fairly new to ceramics. Is this going to be too advanced for me?

    This is so exciting, I am truly excited for you! You will quickly learn the basic techniques needed for each module when I break the skills down into manageable and repeatable bits. Remember, each module will have two projects; Project #1 is aimed at Beginners, and Project #2 is for Beyond Beginners which you will be able to handle after completing Project #1 or you can go through the course on your own pace completing all the Project #1's over the 8 weeks and then complete all the Project #2s later on your own.

  • I am not sure if I have time to do this. What is the time commitment?

    It will take you 2-3 hours to complete Project #1 each week. Life can get crazy and the last few years might have thrown your life and priorities out of whack. If you are like me and my creative friends, you will need to make time for yourself, call it ME TIME. I’ll let you in on a secret. The following distractions are my guilty pleasures, I’ve learned to prioritize them. You can too! First, think of all the time you might spend on social media or playing video games, or even binge-watching Netflix and all the other things you do with your free time on a daily basis. Next, list and rank those pastimes in order of the level of joy they really bring you. What level of joy would you hope to achieve with ME TIME? Finally, if you have never set up ME TIME before, start by telling your family that you are carving out one night a week for yourself, starting with 3 hrs. Let them know you are not ON DUTY for any household or family duties at that time. It will take some training but they will get used to it. I mark my important commitments on my fridge calendar. My family members know what’s up and even encourage me to stick to it!

  • How can I take this course if I do not have access to glazes or a kiln?

    You can complete all the work and save them in a safe space until you do have access to a kiln. Commercial Glazes are widely available. In the course, I will discuss the brands I have used and the places I purchase them from both local and online as well as leads on how to get started making your own. To fully complete the work you will need access to a kiln. Look on kilnshare.com to see if there is anyone near you who rents out kiln space. Look up private pottery studios, pottery guilds, and community centres to see if they have kiln rentals or communal firings. Join pottery-related Facebook Groups like Clay Buddies to ask for suggestions.

  • I am not sure online learning is for me, what if I buy it and can’t learn this way?

    You will have a 14-day money-back guarantee. Lessons will include How-To Videos, PDF Instructions, and templates for each project and will be accompanied by support from Jacquie in the Facebook Group and live Zoom Sessions. I hope you take advantage of ALL that is offered so that you discover the benefits and advantages of online learning.

  • Do I need existing tech skills to pull this off?

    I will be teaching you hand building tech skills and any other tech skills needed to navigate the computer platforms we will use. All the Powerpoints and Handouts will be PDFs so should open up easily on any computer. We'll be using Facebook, Zoom & the teaching platform Thinkific.

  • Will Jacquie be available and accessible to answer questions if I get stuck?

    When you join the Guided Group you will have 8 Weeks of Q&A access to Jacquie inside the private Hand Building Ceramics at Home Facebook Course Community for Members Only and questions can also be asked within the Live Zoom sessions. Of course, in case of an emergency, you can contact Jacquie through email but she will be putting all her efforts into meeting your needs in Facebook and on Zoom.

  • Will I need to invest in any other training to create the projects?

    This is all the investment you will need, other than a box of clay and your beginner ceramics supplies and some home studio supplies. The projects are designed for beginners and beyond beginners which you will level up to once you complete the first project of each module. For a complete guide to Ceramics Supplies for Beginners and Beyond Beginners be sure to join my email mailing list www.jacquieblondin.com and in the welcome email you will receive a PDF List with hyperlinks and images.

  • I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I’m going to need to learn and execute inside this program. Are you sure I can do all of this?

    Absolutely, I will guide you through each new technique with demonstrations that you can practice on your own and alongside me too. When you go to create each project you will have PDF Step-By-Step Instructions so you don’t miss a step. You’ll have access to Play & Pause Videos that you can watch over and over again. Don’t forget I’ll resolve any question you may have in each of the 6 Zoom sessions.

  • When I join the Hand Building Ceramics at Home, will I be getting immediate access to all the lessons and modules?

    I am glad you are excited to see everything that I have created for you, but I know from experience that “LESS is MORE”, meaning receiving one module a week, except in the Implementation/Catch-Up Weeks. You will, however, have immediate access to the Welcome Module when the course opens. This will help to keep you on track and avoid overwhelm. I am aiming for your COMPLETE SUCCESS and want you to be focused on one module at a time, in sequence, so your skills build throughout the program.

Still “thinking about it”?

You should give Hand Building Ceramics at Home 

a 14 day risk-free shot if you've motivated 

by any of the following:

You want your life back…like…

really badly

Whether it's a super demanding day job, or busy home life as a partner, parent or care giver, you're fully aware that you don't have the time, energy or location you TRULY need to be living your best life.  

More importantly, you'd prefer not to spend the rest of your life flirting with burn out while chanting the mantra, "I don't have time", every time something fun or exciting pops up. 

That's why you're motivated beyond measure to invest the next 2 months in taking the ME TIME you deserve; to create the masterpieces you know you were born to create; in boosting your ENERGY with feelings of joy, with a spring in your step as you accomplish purposeful creative projects; and claim a LOCATION for your portable or permanent home studio. 

You can do this!

I've got your back!

I personally cannot wait to guide you...

Creating ceramics has literally transformed my life. 

I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from an overworked mom with a demanding career, to being fulfilled at the deepest level by clay. 

More than anything else, I want to share that with you today.

If you're a person looking for something meaningful to do or a parent or caregiver with too many obligations to count, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life as a clay creator looks like.

To experience first hand what setting time and location for a creative clay practice can do for your energy and mood, and to take real, tangible steps to transform your life. 

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 8 weeks will be completely and utterly life-changing for you. 

I look forward to meeting you personally inside Hand Building Ceramics at Home.

Warm Regards, 

Jacquie Blondin


Register now for immediate access to the Welcome Module